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Get Full Name Match Similarity Key API

Generate similarity keys for individual name matching using AI models

API Overview

This API provides a hashed similarity key from the input data used to match with other similar full name data. Use the generated similarity key, rather than the actual data itself, to match and/or sort individual name data by similarity.


Leveraging AI Models and specialized algorithms for accurate matching, including internationa names.

Versatile Matching

Addresses data inconsistency, misspellings, nicknames, and other name variations within and across datasets.

Advanced Searching

Enables more sophisticated searching capabilities using generated similarity keys as the search mechanism.

How It Works

Full Name Similarity Key
James Kelly N1Ai4RfV0SRJf2dJwDO0Cvzh4xCgQG
Jim Kelley N1Ai4RfV0SRJf2dJwDO0Cvzh4xCgQG
Mr. Jim H. Kellie N1Ai4RfV0SRJf2dJwDO0Cvzh4xCgQG
Wanda Curtis LV0Tz8hjbfKWiljOpBUK0FjkcRKhz0SJb
Sally Anderson xE5Y6ImDHMQUX6EMlBHD9H17SAoTamH6zCBjFm1
Ms. Sallie Andersen xE5Y6ImDHMQUX6EMlBHD9H17SAoTamH6zCBjFm1

Full names generating the same similarity key are considered "similar". Once generated, these similarity keys can be used in many ways, including sorting by similarity key in one dataset, using them as a basis for matching across datasets, or as a fuzzy search mechanism.

API Details


Request Format[licensekey]&fullname=[full name]

Sample Request*****&fullname=James Johnston

Sample Response


cURL Example (with API key in header)

curl --header "x-api-key: fh5hs7*****" ""

Algorithm & AI Model Information

Matching Algorithm

When using this API, it is not necessary to specify a matching algorithm. The API will default to using the ai-medium algorithm for similarity key generation.

Code Examples

Examples in Nine Programming Languages

See quick and easy code examples in nine different popular languages, including Python, Node.js, Java, Typescript, Go, Rust, C#, R, and Scala.

See All Code Examples

Additional Resources

Try this API Interactively

Our API interactive usage tool enables you to try this API interactively with a user interface and without writing code. The tool is available for all of our APIs.

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Use this API in a High-Performance, No-Code, Cloud Batch Mode

Our No-Code batch tool enables you to quickly use this API within our parallel-processing Cloud platform, processing text files (CSV/TSV) with a few clicks and without writing code. This is the fastest and easiest way to use this API with higher volumes of data, enabling matching within or across datasets in minutes.

Start Now
Full Dataset Matching API

Use a Full Dataset API that uses this API to generate reports for matching individual names within an entire CSV file:

curl ""
Learn More
Web Matching Wizard

No coding necessary - try our Cloud Data Connect Web matching wizard to see this API in action with entire datasets using an intuitive browser interface.

Launch Wizard
Optional OpenAPI Specification

An OpenAPI Specification (OAS) is a standardized format for describing the structure, endpoints, and functionality of a RESTful API in a machine-readable format.

It is a blueprint for developers and enables integration by defining request and response schemas, authentication methods, and available operations.

Video Description

Watch a short video describing similarity keys and how they work.

Snowflake Integration

Try our Snowflake Native Application integration for seamless data quality management. Available on the Snowflake Marketplace, the capabilities of this API can be accessed with a simple Snowflake SQL statement, or as part of complex joins, ongoing data analysis, and ELT/ETL data pipeline processes.

The API is conveniently pre-integrated as a Native Application on the Snowflake Data Cloud and is Snowflake certified.

Explore Snowflake Integration
Excel Integration

Try our Microsoft Excel integration for matching and cleansing data directly within a spreadsheet. It's as easy as calling a pre-integrated Excel function for individual names in worksheet cells.

Explore Excel Integration
Service Bureau - Our Super-powered Data Matching Task Force

Want us to do it for you? We can take your data and use our products on your behalf with a quick turnaround:

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Sample Matches Found Using Similarity Keys

Full Name Similarity Key
Jim Kelly wSj_mICOU22GjuhAyBrtk4bV6R-sK-83drNPEJ1z6tw
James Kelley wSj_mICOU22GjuhAyBrtk4bV6R-sK-83drNPEJ1z6tw
Mr Jim H Kellie wSj_mICOU22GjuhAyBrtk4bV6R-sK-83drNPEJ1z6tw
Sally Anderson fOjMwYe9hOgKTa5LCDruK-NgkyDzasOV9Fqf-luTWXw
Ms. Sallie P Andersen fOjMwYe9hOgKTa5LCDruK-NgkyDzasOV9Fqf-luTWXw
Anthony Andersson HgbBNJatE57lPbhDsdXXmdTu3h4gYsYpF6fg2uXPeLU
Tony Andersen HgbBNJatE57lPbhDsdXXmdTu3h4gYsYpF6fg2uXPeLU
William Johnston HevsAxKTzPOOo3NgvxLeZ-Po8KTQ5zpBDjlvuaSdbag
Bill Johnson HevsAxKTzPOOo3NgvxLeZ-Po8KTQ5zpBDjlvuaSdbag
Willie P Jonsen HevsAxKTzPOOo3NgvxLeZ-Po8KTQ5zpBDjlvuaSdbag
Jennifer Jackson CA3Rq7LYS4AOXN8Hh6DigWoOwTc_F3Y7TDzpoVjkySs
Jenn Jaxon CA3Rq7LYS4AOXN8Hh6DigWoOwTc_F3Y7TDzpoVjkySs
Ms. Jenny Jakson CA3Rq7LYS4AOXN8Hh6DigWoOwTc_F3Y7TDzpoVjkySs
Juanita figuroea uCrmoMc8VijLYjuzh4tqL_KcVyXZ_TGfNd61CIsl0mo
JUNITA FIGUEROA uCrmoMc8VijLYjuzh4tqL_KcVyXZ_TGfNd61CIsl0mo
"Chopra, Prateek" Dp00zJ1_WWddan3nLBSL6aqgwWBtbqaPFF29yR3rzxA
Pratik Shoprah Dp00zJ1_WWddan3nLBSL6aqgwWBtbqaPFF29yR3rzxA
Peter Tchaikovsky 5tHIj3wAeekyEzMCdcQMBXHYDKgBNbMH3fhADY_T1ak
Pyotr Chacovksi 5tHIj3wAeekyEzMCdcQMBXHYDKgBNbMH3fhADY_T1ak
Nguyễn Vi cJ7E57XkBQZtRIvIYpeqBjVxr2A2M2_yzkURqM9CB0Q
Vi Nguyễn cJ7E57XkBQZtRIvIYpeqBjVxr2A2M2_yzkURqM9CB0Q
Yolanda Rodriguez aVOUbWRcTCn-QuZz8WdXsL3OPK9Pt6-2m8ezzyv3mgs
Yoland rodriguez-bichau aVOUbWRcTCn-QuZz8WdXsL3OPK9Pt6-2m8ezzyv3mgs
Allison Mcbeal xFtG5up_jjOK3pXssdAUa0l2sfC1kkIaeA7qw7jXi0U
Allie Mcbeel xFtG5up_jjOK3pXssdAUa0l2sfC1kkIaeA7qw7jXi0U
Allisan Mcbiele xFtG5up_jjOK3pXssdAUa0l2sfC1kkIaeA7qw7jXi0U
Gerhard Schroeder Zzr4ig2wT4ku4i-ECU3uEYDCCglk5r2nbYmGOkMqw5g
Herr Geahardt Shroder Zzr4ig2wT4ku4i-ECU3uEYDCCglk5r2nbYmGOkMqw5g
Yousef Goldstein rmWKCF8mqDRg9km5j0T9n5STdca2k5VmkXyidcjJiNg
Yosif Gouldstine rmWKCF8mqDRg9km5j0T9n5STdca2k5VmkXyidcjJiNg
Declan Macleoud s63A-iOM4PFp_8Tqbz5mXAeyYLHppWTzUVd4b0vGm6s
Deklyn McLeod s63A-iOM4PFp_8Tqbz5mXAeyYLHppWTzUVd4b0vGm6s
Declin S Makleod s63A-iOM4PFp_8Tqbz5mXAeyYLHppWTzUVd4b0vGm6s
Chancy M. Sorrell vnIOllnSYITvEWz8Cl7MulzmOnXU0119qyLzIxpgWpI
Chauncey Sourrel vnIOllnSYITvEWz8Cl7MulzmOnXU0119qyLzIxpgWpI
Danny Xue Cho b5UJyQo46lsRlL814yN0DzMm0Za6x7_K7Ix3nIgdTPc
DANIEL CHOU b5UJyQo46lsRlL814yN0DzMm0Za6x7_K7Ix3nIgdTPc
Henryk Górecki F5cYmvvZLBXYO0WP_AzYJEgbYn5xu8lmajkQm5e9Rns
Henrik Goreky F5cYmvvZLBXYO0WP_AzYJEgbYn5xu8lmajkQm5e9Rns
Khalil Ahmed ZAk5mzPAgznU5F8sDXQ2GAetkougzr312-5LNoTdm8o
Kaleel Ahmad ZAk5mzPAgznU5F8sDXQ2GAetkougzr312-5LNoTdm8o
Bill Jameson qwzJ06K4MIWgBSMfBeEODtrTWZNJ7l-RYd3ljtaX9NY
William R. Jamison qwzJ06K4MIWgBSMfBeEODtrTWZNJ7l-RYd3ljtaX9NY
Jim Donaven TRANEIr_o8zMJ4h64s9loOslPgZfTP2C87Y9ZA8U_ww
James Donovan TRANEIr_o8zMJ4h64s9loOslPgZfTP2C87Y9ZA8U_ww
Gavin McMillan wejBrJ3mVL0eJHdmVe9x22SoVGknjjgeblp-x3aCnlo
Gaven P. MacMillen III wejBrJ3mVL0eJHdmVe9x22SoVGknjjgeblp-x3aCnlo
Elizabeth Donnelly d_EJMv3xGPvxCbzq1QSzNc_6UlHR09jzZd-9Nyb2vac
Liz Donley d_EJMv3xGPvxCbzq1QSzNc_6UlHR09jzZd-9Nyb2vac
Bob Ford msPNTUcaKCTsrmrG-miRJza2T9yFLW8KJGdYZeLyE7A
Robert Forde msPNTUcaKCTsrmrG-miRJza2T9yFLW8KJGdYZeLyE7A
Frank Menendez WsaZKW_84O8H1fZ7ZHIE78E2O4pdS9Cnr8zHYRasK3U
Mr. Franklin Menendes WsaZKW_84O8H1fZ7ZHIE78E2O4pdS9Cnr8zHYRasK3U
Lori Greenberg bWE74AD66xUhsbNWGoSpVvNrcxHMiR5T9xi_EJuC8xo
Ms Laura J Greenburgh bWE74AD66xUhsbNWGoSpVvNrcxHMiR5T9xi_EJuC8xo
Julia Rodgers a6EHuBChYizWkOQIwuF7WxGxP9t3vMUxF3DxciwGRjg
Julie Rogers a6EHuBChYizWkOQIwuF7WxGxP9t3vMUxF3DxciwGRjg
Lindsey Shrader 410HLtUjIKEMwRshVO0VefD9sppfBCqu8Jm3Qo0u_uU
Pete Cellars lukdj25kUSSmzfdx4b6_054ik2KZ9oDmtFrAZcbocG0
Peter Sellers lukdj25kUSSmzfdx4b6_054ik2KZ9oDmtFrAZcbocG0
Petr R. Selars lukdj25kUSSmzfdx4b6_054ik2KZ9oDmtFrAZcbocG0
tracy vasquez ijFudCrLVKwefMi3FIp6SB3mFWayQUMb7gEemQYj9dY
Tracie Vasques ijFudCrLVKwefMi3FIp6SB3mFWayQUMb7gEemQYj9dY
Kenny Vonn Jr. _2IJTULo5srgo6kbdd7oB4YjTGHxMxfWx4VY7oLDOCM