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Translate to Any Language API

Detect the language of a text string and translate it to any specified language

API Overview

This API takes a string of text, detects its language, and translates it to the language specified in the 'to' parameter. It utilizes AI, specialized language models, heuristics, phonetics, specific knowledge bases, categorization hierarchies, contextual machine learning, and various other algorithms for language identification and translation.


Supports a wide range of languages for both input and output.


Leverages advanced AI and machine learning for accurate translations.


Automatically detects the input language for seamless translation.

How It Works

Text To Result
Estados Unidos English United States
Japan Portuguese Japão
Mexico Greek μεξικό
営業担当副社長 English Vice President of Sales
営業担当副社長 German Vertriebsvizepräsident
California Hindi कैलिफोर्निया
customer Korean 고객
hospital Norsk Sykehus
doctor español médico

API Details


Request Format[licensekey]&text=[character string]&to=[character string]

Sample Request*****&text=Japan&to=Portuguese

Sample Response


cURL Example (with API key in header)

curl --header "x-api-key: fh5hs7*****" ""

Additional Information

For custom requirements or additional support, please contact us at