openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: Interzoid Standardize City Data API description: > This API standardizes a given city name worldwide using specialized algorithms and AI models, ensuring consistent and normalized city data for improved data accuracy and processing. To use this API, you need an API key. Register for an API key at [Interzoid Registration]( For more information about this API, visit the [Interzoid Standardize City Data API Documentation]( version: 1.0.0 contact: name: Interzoid Support url: email: externalDocs: description: API home page and documentation url: servers: - url: description: Production server tags: - name: City Data Standardization description: Standardizes city names for consistent and normalized data. paths: /getcitystandard: get: tags: - City Data Standardization summary: Standardize City Name description: > This method standardizes a given city name worldwide using specialized algorithms and AI models, returning a normalized and consistent version. **Note**: You must include your API key as the `license` parameter in the request. If you do not have an API key, you can register for one at [Interzoid Registration]( parameters: - name: license in: query required: true description: > Your API license key. Register for an API key at [Interzoid Registration]( schema: type: string examples: license: summary: API Key Example value: "r2d7df664a7c4ef6h8k" - name: city in: query required: true description: The global city name to be standardized schema: type: string examples: city: summary: Global City Name Example value: "San Fran." - name: algorithm in: query required: true description: The standardization algorithm and AI model used to standardize the city name. schema: type: string examples: algorithm: summary: Algorithm Example value: "ai-medium" responses: '200': description: Successful response containing the standardized city data. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: CityNameStandard: type: string description: The standardized city name. Credits: type: integer description: Remaining credits for your API license. Code: type: string description: Execution status message. examples: - summary: Successful response example value: CityNameStandard: "San Francisco" Credits: 4999 Code: "Success" '400': description: Bad request (e.g., missing or invalid parameters). content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: Code: type: integer description: Response code. Message: type: string description: Error message. examples: - summary: Missing or invalid parameters value: Code: 400 Message: "Invalid license key or city parameter missing." '402': description: API key not found. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: Code: type: integer description: Response code. Message: type: string description: Error message. examples: - summary: API key not found value: Code: 402 Message: "API key not found." '403': description: Insufficient API credits remaining. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: Code: type: integer description: Response code. Message: type: string description: Error message. examples: - summary: Insufficient credits value: Code: 403 Message: "Insufficient API credits remaining." '405': description: Method not allowed. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: Code: type: integer description: Response code. Message: type: string description: Error message. examples: - summary: Wrong HTTP method value: Code: 405 Message: "Method not allowed." '429': description: Rate limits reached. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: Code: type: integer description: Response code. Message: type: string description: Error message. examples: - summary: Rate limit reached value: Code: 429 Message: "Rate limits reached." '500': description: Internal server error. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: Code: type: integer description: Response code. Message: type: string description: Error message. examples: - summary: Server error value: Code: 500 Message: "Internal server error." components: securitySchemes: apiKeyAuth: type: apiKey name: license in: query schemas: ResponseError: type: object properties: Code: type: integer description: Response code. Message: type: string description: Error message. security: - apiKeyAuth: []