{ "openapi": "3.1.0", "info": { "title": "Global Address Match Similarity Key API", "description": "This API uses specialized algorithms, AI models, and extensive knowledge bases to generate a similarity key for a global address that can be used to compare and match addresses effectively.\nTo use this API, you need an API key. Register for an API key at [Interzoid Registration](https://www.interzoid.com/register-api-account).\nFor more information about this API, visit the [Interzoid Global Address Matching API Documentation](https://www.interzoid.com/apis/global-address-matching).\nYou can also try this API [interactively](https://try.interzoid.com) or in high-speed [batch mode](https://batch.interzoid.com).\n", "version": "1.0.0", "contact": { "name": "Interzoid Support", "url": "https://www.interzoid.com", "email": "support@interzoid.com" } }, "externalDocs": { "description": "API home page and documentation", "url": "https://www.interzoid.com/apis/global-address-matching" }, "servers": [ { "url": "https://api.interzoid.com", "description": "Production server" } ], "tags": [ { "name": "Global Address Similarity Key", "description": "Helps to identify inconsistent and redundant addresses within or across datasets." } ], "paths": { "/getglobaladdressmatch": { "get": { "operationId": "getGlobalAddressMatch", "tags": [ "Global Address Similarity Key" ], "summary": "Generate Similarity Key for Global Address", "description": "Generates a similarity key for a given global address using advanced algorithms and AI. Include your API key (license) in the request. Register for an API key at https://www.interzoid.com/register-api-account.\n", "parameters": [ { "name": "license", "in": "query", "required": true, "description": "Your API license key. Register for an API key at [Interzoid Registration](https://www.interzoid.com/register-api-account).\n", "schema": { "type": "string" }, "examples": { "license": { "summary": "API Key Example", "value": "fh5hs7*****" } } }, { "name": "address", "in": "query", "required": true, "description": "The global address for which the similarity key is generated.", "schema": { "type": "string" }, "examples": { "address": { "summary": "Address Example", "value": "221 B Baker St, Marylebone, London, UK" } } }, { "name": "algorithm", "in": "query", "required": true, "description": "The matching algorithm and AI model used to generate the similarity key.", "schema": { "type": "string" }, "examples": { "algorithm": { "summary": "Algorithm Example", "value": "ai-medium-narrow" } } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Successful response containing the similarity key.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "SimKey": { "type": "string", "description": "The generated similarity key for the address." }, "Credits": { "type": "integer", "description": "Remaining credits for your API license." }, "Code": { "type": "string", "description": "Response code, \"Success\" if the call is successful." } } }, "examples": { "success": { "value": { "SimKey": "r17f28d477E1d7sG6dja3h13SDkP", "Credits": 5794029, "Code": "Success" } } } } } }, "400": { "description": "Bad request (e.g., missing or invalid parameters).", "content": { "text/plain": { "schema": { "type": "string" }, "examples": { "error": { "value": "Invalid license key or address missing." } } } } }, "402": { "description": "API key not found.", "content": { "text/plain": { "schema": { "type": "string" }, "examples": { "error": { "value": "API key not found." } } } } }, "403": { "description": "Insufficient API credits remaining.", "content": { "text/plain": { "schema": { "type": "string" }, "examples": { "error": { "value": "Insufficient API credits remaining." } } } } }, "405": { "description": "Method not allowed.", "content": { "text/plain": { "schema": { "type": "string" }, "examples": { "error": { "value": "Method not allowed." } } } } }, "429": { "description": "Rate limits reached.", "content": { "text/plain": { "schema": { "type": "string" }, "examples": { "error": { "value": "Rate limits reached." } } } } }, "500": { "description": "Internal server error.", "content": { "text/plain": { "schema": { "type": "string" }, "examples": { "error": { "value": "Internal server error." } } } } } } } } }, "components": { "securitySchemes": { "apiKeyAuth": { "type": "apiKey", "name": "license", "in": "query" } }, "schemas": {} }, "security": [ { "apiKeyAuth": [] } ] }